“Angelina Jolie’s Buzzworthy Lesson: Educating Yucatan Students on the Valuable Melipona Bee as a Bee Ambassador”

On World Bee Day, a series of photos were shared featuring Angelina Jolie teaching Mexican children about the Melipona bee. The Hollywood actress donned a simple white dress as she engaged the children with her enthusiastic approach to educating them about this precious and non-venomous species of bee that is at risk of becoming extinct in the Americas. Through the use of vivid visual aids, Angelina skillfully guided the children through the lesson and they eagerly participated and interacted with her at a public school located in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

In 2021, UNESCO launched a program called Women for Bees, aimed at supporting female beekeeping entrepreneurs globally. Angelina Jolie was selected to be the face of this initiative, as well as serving as a Guerlain Bee Ambassador. She has participated in numerous bee conservation campaigns, including the Bee School program that educates students worldwide about these vital pollinators. Jolie has even traveled to France, Cambodia, and Mexico to promote awareness about the importance of bees and to improve knowledge regarding their role in our ecosystem.

During a lesson, Angelina Jolie spends time teaching and engaging with children. Even though she is known for her work in the film industry, Jolie is involved in various other activities. She has taken up bee conservation and advertising perfumes. Recently, Jolie established her own fashion brand, Atelier Jolie, which focuses on upcycling old clothing and surplus fabrics. The brand employs skilled artisans and migrant seamstresses. Jolie also actively participates in humanitarian activities aimed at assisting migrants and advocating for the rights of women and children.

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